ZLGGL系列鼓式紙帶過濾裝置主要用于金屬磨削加工或其它加工中的冷卻液過濾,也適用于毛胚零件清洗系統的清洗液、工業用水、有機溶液及其他溶液中雜質的清除。工作時當過濾通流量減少,引起液面升高,發訊機構帶動傳動機構工作,實現濾布的自動更換,濾布更換后機器停止轉動,進入下一個工作循環。 ZLGGL series drum-type filter is mainly used in filtering coolant for metal grinding or other processings, while it also finds its application in removing impurities in cleanout fluid of blank part cleaning system, industrial water, organic solution and other solutions. As filtering throughflow drops during operation to cause fluid level to rise, the transmitter will bring along the driving unit for an automatic replacement of filter cloth. The device will stop running after replacement of filter cloth, to enter the next operating cycle.