ZLMGB系列模鍛鏈刮板式排屑裝置特別適用于機加車間碎屑或粉狀屑的集中排放處理。模鍛可拆鏈具有一定自由度,工作時刮板碰到如螺栓、絲錐等非切屑異物時會自動抬高,而不會導致卡滯,這一點是滾子鏈型刮板排屑機所不具備的。該裝置具有結構簡單、維護方便、排屑量大等優點。 ZLMGB series die-forged chain type scraper chip-conveyor is especially applicable to centralized discharging and disposal of the chips or powdery chips from machining shops. The die-forged knockdown chain has certain flexibility, which ensures an automatic lifting during operation when the scraper contacts such objects (non-chips) as bolts and taps, rather than lead to jamming. This is not what a roller-chain type scraper chip-conveyor can provide. This device is featured with simple structure, convenient maintenance and large chip conveyance.