集中過濾系統可配油水分離、凈化再生和比例加液自動補水裝置,為長期保持冷卻液和清洗液的有效性能和車間衛生提供有效解決方案,節省費用,創造優良的生產環境。 冷卻液集中處理系統采用負壓式紙帶過濾方式,變頻恒壓節能供液。 高精度、大流量,可24小時連續供液;變頻泵恒壓供液;全自動控制運行、模擬工況顯示、故障顯示及報警;設備運行可靠穩定,故障率低;防腐系統大大延長乳化液的使用壽命;
Coolant central filtering system is mainly used in machine processing line for central cooling and filtrating. It is composed of scraper chip conveyor, negative pressure paper band filter.coolant distriboutor,liquid-supply pump group,coolant anti-corrosion system,PLC electric control system and coolant-retum pump etc.
The liquid supply and return are divided into three schemes: one is all pipelines are overhead: second is overhesd supply,liquid return in trench;Third is both liquid-supply pipeline and return return pipeline are in trench .The schemes are differenent because of the differentce of workshop conditions and chips .We can design as users’ requirements.
This device can be used with oil separator,purification regeneration system and automatic proportion liquid adding device.It supplies a better method for the effectiveness of coolant and the cleanness of workshop .The system is not only cost-saving but also creates anexcellent working environment.
The coolant central filtering system uses negative pressure paper band filtering method. It can energy-efficient supply liquid under frequency ,constant pressure condition.
This system is high precision,large flow rate and can supply liquid for 24 hours; Frequency- conversion pump can supply liquid by constant voltage.It runs automatically,has analogue display,failure display and alarm. The device runs stable and has few faults.